Neo-Nsibidi Writing System Explained

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In summary, Neo-Nsibidi Logographic Progression is a process where the graphic elements found in ritual artifacts are transformed into a writing system. It starts with simple graphemes, which evolve into radicals with individual meanings and then further combine to create logograms representing more complex concepts. This system is inspired by the cultural and ritual practices of southeastern Nigeria and southern Cameroon

This system breaks down into several key components:

  1. Artifacts & Cloth: It begins with artifacts and cloth used in ritual practices in southeastern Nigeria. Graphemes: These artifacts contain individual graphic elements, known as graphemes, which represent various concepts or ideas.
  2. Proto-Radical: Individual graphemes are isolated from these artifacts and are initially considered as proto-radicals.
  3. Radical: Proto-radicals evolve into radicals, which become stand-alone graphic elements with their own individual meanings. These meanings can be interpreted academically or within the cultural context.
  4. Logogram: Radicals are then combined or modified to form more complex graphemes known as logograms. Logograms represent deeper meanings, ideas, or concepts.